Monday, March 7, 2011

Striaton City

First, go to the Pokemon Center and heal, then save. In town there are 2 Great Balls, and 1 Dusk Ball. In the trainer school, there's a dude who wants to quiz you. Answer Antidote and then Awakening, and a Full Heal will be yours. Talk to Cheren and he'll battle you.
He'll have a Purrloin Lv. 8 no matter which starter you picked, and his starter is Lv. 8 (for name, go to Nuvema Town).
After you beat him, he'll give you an Oran Berry. DO NOT CHALLENGE THE GYM!!!! Believe me, there's an awesome Pokemon that will be very helpful in your Gym Battle.
If you want to challenge the Gym, here's their Pokemon:
They all have a Lillipup Lv. 12.
Cilan has a Pansage Lv. 14.
Cress has a Panpour Lv. 14.
Chili has a Pansear Lv. 14.
Beat them and the Trio Badge is yours!
Then a girl named Fennel comes along. She takes you to her lab and gives you HMO1 Cut. Whoopee! Then she says she needs some Dream Mist. Mosey on over to the Dreamyard to get it for her.

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